World’s Fair of Dentistry

World’s Fair of Dentistry

World’s Fair of Dentistry

H2Ocean attended the 2023 World’s Fair of Dentistry, which was held in New York from September 9-10, 2023. This prestigious dental event, organized by the Queen County Dental Society, brings together notable dental experts and industry leaders. Dr. Rajiv Saini, H2Ocean’s Chief Scientific Officer, was invited to speak about the benefits of Red Sea Saltwater Rinse in oral health, particularly chemo mouth care. H2Ocean also sponsored this event, and Eddie Kolos, Inventor and CEO of H2Ocean, discussed with professionals the benefits of natural Red Sea saltwater rinse in enhancing oral health and managing the oral side effects of cancer treatment.

Dr. Rajiv Saini and Eddie Kolos join Dr. Chad Gehani, Past President of the American Dental Association, to exchange insights on oral care innovations.