Natural Red Sea Salt Water Rinse

Natural Red Sea Salt Water Rinse

Natural Red Sea Salt Water Rinse

Regular Salt Water Rinse is Weak and Slow in Action for Chemo Mouth

Using home made saline rinse with regular table salt (sodium chloride) is not an ideal choice for managing chemo mouth due to several reasons. The common disadvantages of using table saltwater rinse are listed below:

Lacks Mineral Content: Regular saltwater rinse lacks natural mineral contents, as it contains only two elements, sodium and chloride. This makes regular saltwater rinse very weak and ineffective for chemo mouth management.

Chemically Refined and Processed: Regular salt works slowly as it loses its mineral content while undergoing high temperatures during the processing. This makes regular saltwater rinse slow in action for chemo mouth management.

Commercially Produced: Regular salt (table salt) is not procured by the natural process of evaporation and is always produced in very large quantities in industrial settings. This makes the commercially produced regular salt not align with the human saline system.

Best Salt Water Rinse for Chemo Mouth

Safe, Effective, and Fast in Action Salt Water Rinse

H2Ocean’s patented all natural sea saltwater rinse provides safe and comprehensive oral care for managing the overall symptoms of chemo mouth. Following are the reasons that make H2Ocean the #1 saltwater rinse for Chemo mouth sore management.

Mineral Enriched Salt Water Rinse

Red Sea salt is the key ingredient in H2Ocean’s saltwater rinse. Red Sea salt contains over 82 trace minerals, including sodium, chloride, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, copper, silver, iron, and iodine, among others. These minerals work synergistically to replenish the oral cavity, providing essential elements necessary for maintaining optimal oral health. All these minerals naturally help to heal the ulcerated tissues in the chemo mouth.

Red Sea saltwater rinse contains 82+ minerals, which are essential for oral health and faster healing.

Red Sea saltwater rinse contains 82+ minerals, which are essential for oral health and faster healing.

Salt Water Rinse with Added Benefits

Unrefined, hand harvested Red Sea salt in the H2Ocean saltwater rinse matches perfectly with the human body’s saline system, making it the best saltwater rinse for chemo mouth management. H2Ocean’s all natural Artic Ocean and Lemon Ice sea salt mouthwash is further enhanced with Xylitol (a natural sweetener) and Lysozyme (a natural antibacterial enzyme found in saliva). Altogether, H2Ocean Healing Rinse is a very effective natural saltwater rinse for chemo mouth management.

Salt Water Rinse Trusted and Backed by Science

H2Ocean mouthwash has been scientifically researched and clinically proven to improve oral health and hygiene. It demonstrated to be effective in healing oral tissues and controlling dry mouth disorders.

Difference between Regular Saltwater Rinse and H2Ocean Red Sea Saltwater Rinse

Experience the benefits of mineral enriched Red Sea saltwater rinse for effective oral care.

Experience the benefits of mineral enriched Red Sea saltwater rinse for effective oral care.

There are huge differences when we compare regular table saltwater rinse with Red Sea saltwater rinse in terms of health benefits, especially for managing chemo mouth sores. H2Ocean’s all natural sea saltwater rinse offers a natural solution for relieving the oral side effects of cancer treatment, commonly known as chemo mouth.

Saltwater Rinse Properties H2Ocean Sea Saltwater Rinse   Regular Saltwater Rinse
Mineral Content 80+ minerals Only 2 minerals
Type of Salt Used Unrefined and hand harvested Refined and commercially produced
Purity Level of Salt All Natural Chemically Processed
Salt Water Ratio Always standardized It matches perfectly with the human saline system No standardization. It always changes with each individual mix
Water Quality USP grade purified water Always Questionable
Stability of the Saltwater Rinse   Stabilized with 3 Years of Shelf Life Not Stabilized
Taste and Ease of Use   Great Taste Because of the added benefits of Xylitol (a natural sweetener found in fruit, vegetables, and plants). Xylitol is also scientifically proven to have oral health benefits. This makes it easy to rinse frequently with comfort, especially when undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Very salty taste It makes it difficult to rinse frequently, especially while getting chemotherapy and radiation therapy treatment.
Additional Benefits Saltwater rinse is further enhanced with lysozyme, an antibacterial enzyme naturally present in saliva. This makes saltwater rinse more powerful, with scientifically proven health benefits. There are no additional benefits.